RiceBran Oil Health Benefits of Oryzanol

Oryzanol is an exceptional component of rice bran oil, which is generated from rice bran and some countries it is also used as medicine. In the early days, Oryzanol was used to deal with anxiety, but later on, it was found to be an effective component to treat elevated cholesterol, thyroid effects, liver causes and much more.

The rice bran oil is good for heart, better for skin and hair as well. Recent studies have concluded that rice bran oil, contains important anti-oxidants such as Oryzanol.

1. Skin Benefits
Oryzanol is beneficial for skin and hair. It is also used in sunscreen products, moisturizing creams and hair conditioners.
2. Reduction of Cholesterol
Rice bran oil consists of oryzanol which extensively helps in increasing good cholesterol and lowering down the bad cholesterol.
3. Anti Diabetic
It is proven that Oryzanol has protecting effects of oxidative stress (responsible for diabetes) and hyperglycemia.
4. Beneficial for Nephrotic Syndrome
Hyperlipidemia has been founded in the patients affected by nephrotic syndrome since before. Due to hyperlipidemia property found in Rice Bran oil, it has been proved to be profitable for patients of nephrotic syndrome.
5. Anti Carcinogenic
Consumption of Oryzanol products also helps in the prevention of several types of cancers. Rice bran bioactive components protect against tissue damage.
6. Neuro-Protective
Gamma oryzanol which is extracted from rice bran is also helpful in reducing general stress consequences concluded as per numerous studies. 

Pulari Ricebran Oil is rich in Oryzanol.

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